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Access the layer list

The layer list allows you to turn layers on and off in the imagery exploitation canvas. Layers can include the connected image service, its corresponding footprints, mark up, and any reference layers that are added to your canvas.

To access the layer list and turn layers on and off, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Layer List in the imagery exploitation canvas.

    The layer list appears and displays the available layers in the canvas.


    The imagery service, image footprints, and markup layer appear in the layer list each time you're connected to the canvas view.

  2. Check the layer check box to turn the layer on in the map coordinate space (MCS) or image coordinate space (ICS) view.

    The imagery layer and corresponding image footprints cannot be turned off in the ICS view.

  3. Additional reference layers that are used for context can be included in the imagery exploitation canvas when you're working on an imagery project. If layers are included in an imagery project, they appear in the layer list and can be turned on and off.